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Borehole logging for mining applications can provided much clarity and precise answers to formation evaluation and economic feasibility studies.  From a simple natural gamma ray to define tops and bottom of strata, density, sonic or neutron porosity, multiple resistivity with induced polarization, magnetic susceptibility and sophisticated borehole imaging using acoustic, dipmeter , micro-resistivity and optical televiewer tools.  Mine geologists working in coal fields, iron ore deposits, uranium mining, rare earth elements, and other metallic minerals use Century Multi-Parameters tools to log these boreholes and develop surface, underground and in-situ leaching mines on a daily basis. 

7201 Spectral Gamma Tool - Spectral Gamma Ray, measurement of K, U, T with a 256 full spectrum analyzer of the radiation energy levels.  Used in Mining applications for Potash, Uranium, and Rare Elements Resources

9012 Natural Gamma Tool - Gross gamma ray tool, with detector on the bottom of the tool.  Used in surface mining applications to define tops and bottoms of formations.  Small size and weight allows blast hole logging of many holes per day.  Can also be equipped with a source adapter to record an omni-directional density

9057 Multi-parameter E-Log Neutron Logging Tool Multi-parameter tool combining electric logs, gamma ray, neutron porosity and borehole deviation in single pass of the borehole.  Used in mining applications and water well logging programs where neutron porosity is required.

9238 Logging Tool - The classic “coal logging tool” combines 4 measurements required to define formation quality and thickness.  The density is most valuable for the geologist, and with the caliper, gamma and focused guard resivistivty, the borehole is well represented to determine mine feasibility and formation characteristics.

9239 Compensated Density Logging Tool - The industry standard compensated density tool adds a second density detector to record the CDL-Bulk density of the formation.  Used extensively in coal mining, and for iron ore applications the Cs137 source is replaced with Co60 source, which allows much higher density measurement ranges.  Similar to the above tool, options for natural gamma, guard resistivity, and PE Density.

9512 Slim Hole Induction Tool  - The slim hole induction measuring tool is used in PVC cased hole, and air filled holes where traditional electric logs cannot be obtained.  The tool can also be used in highly conductive formations such as iron, nickel and rare earths to further classify these formations.

9622 Series Magnetic Susceptibility Tool - The magnetic susceptibility logging tool is primarily used in metals mining projects, where its slim diameter is useful in obtaining magnetic data.  Tool can be used with or without the deviation package.

9650 Series Induced Polarized Logging Tool - The induced polarization tool is another metals mining tool, used to record the IP measurement and electric logs.  Chargeability of the formation is useful for detecting sulfides and other magnetic minerals. 

9702 Natural Gamma / Deviation Tool - The deviation only tool uses magnetic deviation sensors to measure tool angle and direction, to determine the borehole orientation or drift. 

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